Monday, September 22, 2014

Writing Homework: Due: October 3rd, 2014

We have chosen our small moment story (personal narrative) to write while in class. You need to choose a DIFFERENT small moment (personal narrative) and write it at home. It is due October 3rd. Remember that in class, we will learn new strategies to improve our narratives up until October 1st and I will look for evidence of that learning in your home narrative. That means, please do not complete and turn this in tomorrow, wait until you have all the narrative strategies in your “invisible backpack.”  If students want to complete this assignment on google docs and share it with me, here is my email:

You should have your Social Studies Early People Project topic decided! If not, see me tomorrow to get some ideas. 

My pictures are NOT uploading to the blog. Boo. More later hopefully! Have a great night.

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