Friday, September 12, 2014

S.S. Project Update
Your child has been assigned a social studies project for our first unit.  All projects are to be about a prehistoric topic (5,000 years or older).  It is my hope that each student chooses a topic in which they are keenly interested and present it in a way in which they are comfortable. The idea is to learn more about the topic and to share that knowledge with the class. 
            At this point, your child has been given general directions about the project along with a grading criteria and point sheet used for evaluation. A sheet with topic ideas and ways to present was also handed out. Time has been set aside in class to both discuss project ideas and to do some research.  Most of the work, however, will be completed at home.
How Can You Help?
This entire project should be considered a learning process. Students are learning time management skills, research skills, organizational skills, etc. I hope that you will help guide your child without feeling any pressure of personal responsibility. I want each child’s “lesson” to be valuable, which may mean that some students will have to “learn the hard way.”  I want each student to take ownership for his or her success or failure.
We will be learning how to do more formal research later in the year.  At that point students will learn to take down information systematically on note cards, how to organize information by subtopics, how to write a bibliography, and other report writing skills. For this project, students are asked to make, build, create, demonstrate, video tape, etc. to teach the rest of us about their topic.  Each project should be informative, interesting and seriously presented.  A bibliography is optional. Presentations are usually accompanied by a short written report or outline unless the information is conveyed in another way.  A formal report is not necessary, unless that is the mode of presentation. 
         Museum Day  
October 10 from 11:30-12:30 has been set aside as a museum day.  Parents will be invited to view projects along with students from all sixth grade classes.  More details will come later. 
Our students will make a presentation tentatively starting during the week of October 6th and also display their information at the museum on the 10th.
         Contacting Me
            Please call or email me if you have any questions. I’m looking forward to your child’s presentation.
 Classroom (direct): 204-4704

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