Monday, September 15, 2014

We talked about Point of View from a writer and reader's perspective today in Language Arts. In Social Studies, we outlined the steps to take when completing a big research project. 

Writing Homework Day 4:
 Today in class, we added to our strategies to come up with personal narrative writing topics. Tonight, you need to add to your small moment/topic ideas. Then, write about a page and a half to two pages. Learn to dig deeper into the stories you are writing.

Strategies for generating personal narrative topics

  • Think of a person who matters to you, list small moments, choose one, and write the whole story
  • Think about a place that matters, use pictures and quick notes to jot about the small moments that occurred there, choose one, and write a whole story
  • Think of first times or last times you did something, list small moments stories you could tell about each, choose one, and write a whole story
  • Think of moments that really mattered because you realized or learned something, list those moments, choose one, and write the whole story

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