Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tomorrow night is Go-To-School night from 6:30-8:40. You will have the chance to go to school, without your child, and spend 10 minutes in each of their classes. They will bring home a schedule for you to follow tomorrow. During this time, you will be able to sign up for Fall Parent Teacher Conferences which are held on Thursday, November 13th from 2:45-8:00 and Tuesday, November 18th from 1:45-7:00. You will ONLY sign up with your child's homeroom teacher, if you would like addition times with another teacher, please find them and schedule with them. 

Writing Homework: Day 5: Due: 9/17/14

Today in class, we talked about point of view, making sure that we stayed true to the real small moment. Tonight, use your strategies chart and choose a new small moment. Write at least two pages keeping in mind point of view and staying true to that moment. You also need to SHOW NOT TELL in your writing!

The class has some good ideas going for their Early People Social Studies Project. Let me know if you have any questions regarding the project.  We looked at cave art and cave paintings today, see above for an example.

Field trip is THIS FRIDAY. Our class is assigned to wear something ORANGE.

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