Thursday, February 26, 2015

Social Studies assessment is tomorrow and the LA & Reading homework is listed below.

Writing homework: Today we talked about collecting ideas/themes when planning our memoir writing. Tonight, continue to collect short stories and themes with small moments connecting to that theme. You should write at least 2 pages. See below for example:
Short stories:
-          First time I was on rollers
-          Piano music
-          Mom’s wedding
-          Phone call with my mom
-          Devil’s Lake alone
-          College professor & dream
-          9/11 and school
-          Church- laughing attack
-          Dad
-          Friendship with Amy
-          Grandma
Hard work pays off
-          College/masters
-          IM
-          Kids and follow through
-          ½ marathon and illness
-          House offer fell through
-          Mean 4th grade teacher

1.    What is the gist of the article?
2.    Please infer why companies would care about their employees’ health habits.
3.     Using context clues, what does encroaching mean in paragraph 2. Write a different sentence using encroach/ed/ing.
4.     Find two examples of figurative language usage- be ready to share out.
5.    Rewrite the first sentence in the 5th paragraph.
6.    What is author intent of the article?

7.    What is your personal opinion about the information in paragraph 3?

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