Friday, February 13, 2015

Here is the other letter from our practicum student:

Hi! I’m Kat and I will be one of the practicum students in your classroom for the remainder of this semester. I am a junior at UW Madison studying education with a focus on ESL (English as a Second Language). When I graduate I will be certified to teach anywhere from 1st to 8th grade. I grew up in Madison and went to school in Stoughton, which is only about 20 minutes outside of the city, but it feels like a different world. Think farms, a lot of farms. In my free time, I love to read (I’m trying to read 50 books this year) and watch movies. I am fairly certain I’ve seen almost every movie EVER so if you want to discuss your favorites with me feel free. I live with three of my best friends and love to have fun in the city with them when I’m not busy with school! We also have a beagle named Duke who lives with us. His pastimes include eating peanut butter and causing trouble. I have never worked with 6th grade before, so all I have to go on are my memories of MY 6th grade year (which was in 2005). English and Language Arts were my favorite subjects in school, so I’m excited that I was placed in your classroom. I’ve heard great things about your teacher AND you guys, and I can’t wait to start working with you all and find out more about you!

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