Monday, January 26, 2015

We started our 3rd quarter in Language Arts (Changing Minds) discussing teen activism and what is means to be an activist. We looked at two different teen activists (Malala Yousafzai and Alex Lin). We are thinking and writing like journalists- fast and furious- while gathering information. If you can, bring HEADPHONES or earbuds to LA class for the next week or so. Use these prompts to help you write about Alex Lin tonight- I expect about a page of written work.

Conversation prompts:
For example...
In addition...
This makes me realize.....
This is important because....
This is giving me the idea that....
The reason for this is...
This connects with...
On the other hand....
This is similar to....
This is different from....
This might be true, but..
I used to think_________, but now I think____________
What this says about me is.....
To add on......

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