Thursday, January 29, 2015

By Monday, the teen activist and their cause need to be solidified. So, if you are unsure as to who you would like to research, please spend time this weekend doing so.  Above are some examples of teens that are being studied.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The student journalists are working hard to research a teen activist and their cause in Language Arts! Tomorrow we will wrap up our Egypt unit and move on to Greece and Rome.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

In Language Arts, we started a profile on our teen activist we are studying. Please keep these questions in mind (and the conversational prompts from last night's blog) while you are writing at least 1 page tonight for homework. You may study an activist from your packet or search for your own.

Monday, January 26, 2015

We started our 3rd quarter in Language Arts (Changing Minds) discussing teen activism and what is means to be an activist. We looked at two different teen activists (Malala Yousafzai and Alex Lin). We are thinking and writing like journalists- fast and furious- while gathering information. If you can, bring HEADPHONES or earbuds to LA class for the next week or so. Use these prompts to help you write about Alex Lin tonight- I expect about a page of written work.

Conversation prompts:
For example...
In addition...
This makes me realize.....
This is important because....
This is giving me the idea that....
The reason for this is...
This connects with...
On the other hand....
This is similar to....
This is different from....
This might be true, but..
I used to think_________, but now I think____________
What this says about me is.....
To add on......

Thursday, January 22, 2015

We had so much fun sledding this morning and no one got injured! What a great way to end the first semester. Our Read-In is happening tomorrow on our shorten day schedule- bring a good book to read! Feel free to bring snacks for yourself as well.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

We have a couple of activities coming up in our classes. TOMORROW, Thursday, to celebrate the end of second quarter, we are going to sled over on the huge Van Hise hill. If you can, please bring sledding clothing and sleds. We will sled from 7:35-8:20. After that, we will attend the dress rehearsal for Cinderella.  On Friday, we have a half day and 30 minute classes. We will have a Read-In..... please see above flyer.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Our Egypt brochures are amazing. The amount of work that went into them is very evident. Students have until Friday morning to turn in their biographies.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

In Social Studies we did some dividing and conquering due to the prodigious amount of information on Egypt. Today, we started presenting our brochures and sharing our expertise.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

We will be looking for evidence of some of these strategies in the final biographies. They are due Wednesday, Jan. 21st. Egypt brochures are due tomorrow.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Today we continued to take notes for our informational reports. Some students are using a symbol system to take notes, as seen above. Another note taking strategy we are using is to list the main idea and finding details in relation to that main idea. Tomorrow, we will discuss how to write an effective introduction in an informational report.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Today, we had a day to read our biographies after generating a list of questions that help guide our reading. We also continued to study our Social Studies Egypt topic. Both of these assignments will be completed mostly at school, with some reading of their biography at home.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Some of the biographies that our students have selected to read. We will complete most of this work in the classroom but some reading will occur at home. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

We have started working on our Biography Unit. PLEASE- find a book that you can use to for your biography. We will be able to access our LMC if we need to. We also are going to study a number of Egypt topics and share our findings with the class.