Wednesday, May 27, 2015

For Social Studies, we are working on class projects this week. We are building cathedrals and making stained glass. Reminder- there is NOT a Medieval Museum this Friday as seen on the school calendar. The Medieval Faire is Friday, June 5th from 8:30-11:30.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

We played Kickball Madness this morning in Homeroom- so fun! For the Middle Ages Faire (JUNE 5), Duffield's Homeroom is working on creating a cathedral for their CLASS project; while Kruger's CLASS project is stained glass. EACH student also needs to complete work on their chosen "guild." A four page parent letter went home explaining this project/guild- please contact me with questions. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Today, we looked at a form of personal narrative poetry. We brainstormed and sketched our thinking, as seen above. We will be outside for homeroom on Wednesday and Thursday, please dress for it.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Today, we continued writing poetry and working on studying the Middle Ages.

* Make sure you know what your guild is for the Middle Ages Faire on Friday, June 5th.

For Reading: read all poems in the poetry packet, interpret 2 of them in your reading spiral, memorize 1 poem- DUE: Friday, May 22nd

Friday, May 15, 2015

Poetry has been a joy to write in our Language Arts class- please see some samples above from our class. The ropes course experience yesterday was magical. Thanks for being great kids!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Today, we BRIEFLY started to talk about the Medieval Faire. More information will come home soon. On Thursday, we have our high ropes field trip, please see the information below regarding this trip. 

Just a few reminders at the School Forest Course... 
  • Each student will need to bring a signed Cautionary Statement (I HAVE THESE and you already signed them) with them to the course, staff will collect these in the morning of the  program
  • There is no water available at the School Forest. Please make sure students bring a full water bottle and extra water as needed
  • Shoes and socks are required, flip flops or sandals are dangerous on trails
  • All trash will need to be packed out, please plan to bring trash bags for your group.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

We are studying poetry in Language Arts and the students are learning to see ordinary objects through a poet's eye. It is exciting to see what they come up with when they have few standard writing rules to follow. Congrats to Shikoku in both Social Studies classes!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Reading Book/Movie Project is due: 5/28. We should be finishing up our Japan Warlords on Monday or Tuesday of next, we will then take part in a Socratic Seminar around the material we have studied.