Wednesday, April 29, 2015

In reading, we are doing a Book/Movie Project that is due on May 28th. Students are required to read and book AND see the movie (if it is PG-13 they need your permission). A list of choices was sent home ALONG with all the visuals and the requirements of the final project. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Realistic Fiction rough drafts were due today- we are now in the process of editing and revising. Final copies are due Monday, May 4th.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

We have been working on the Badger Exam and Japan Unit the last few days. Sorry for the lack of posts.
Reading homework: Due 4/27/15- Realistic Fiction novel read with a 1-2 sentence entry for each chapter or section.
Language Arts: Due 4/24/15- Scene 1 in your realistic fiction story written

Friday, April 17, 2015


We need Kleenex in our classroom. If you can send a box in, that would be very helpful. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Our work above is from our realistic fiction pieces- character development charts. We have to know our characters so well that we know how much money they are carrying in their pockets. In reading, I sent home a reading log with the students. They CAN, not required, take part in the program called Feed the Read. They need to chart their reading minutes for 4 weeks- starting on 4/19/15. If they read 150 minutes/week for 4 weeks, they are given a free Food Fight Meal from a couple of their restaurants and a free family week pass at the YMCA. This is optional. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

We are doing Reader's Theater in Reading currently- they will present them to the class on Friday. My Reading class has a realistic fiction novel due on April 22nd (with journal entries). We are also plugging along in our Japan Unit. Language Arts homework tonight is to get to know your protagonist REALLY well!

Monday, April 13, 2015

We have 1 more day of presenting our Maya projects and then we are back to realistic fiction writing in Language Arts. Our Japan unit is plugging along...........

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

While writing our realistic fiction pieces, it is good to pay attention to and hint at the main conflict or problem the protagonist has. We worked on completing a story arc for each each idea we had. Each fiction story will only contain 3-4 scenes.

Latin Stem quiz is on 4/13/15.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

We started Realistic Fiction today in Language Arts and Japan Warlords in Social Studies. We have a TON to accomplish in the next quarter at school.... this is the reminder to kick it in for the rest of the year!