Friday, October 31, 2014

We finished up our gift projects in Reading today. They all did a great job with their summaries and gift ideas. We start our Seedfolks final project next week that will be due on Friday, November 7th. Have a GREAT weekend.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

This week has gotten away from me. Above are some pictures from the gift project we are doing in reading class... more to come on that. We started a mini in class Social Studies Project today focusing on early jobs. Have a good night!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Happy Monday! We have one more chapter to read in Seedfolks and on Thursday or Friday, we will talk about the project that goes along with this book. Gift projects will continue in Reading tomorrow. In Social Studies we took a closer look at Neolithic People making communities, developing new jobs and beginning to trade.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Students started presenting their gift projects for Reading class. For SS this week, we focused on the advantages and disadvantages of agriculture. We also worked in groups and presented advantages and disadvantages of modern technology. Have a safe and restful weekend. 
If you are in Cross Country- We have a surprise meet THIS Wednesday, October 29th. We will leave Hamilton at 3:00 and return about 5:15. The route will be 1.5 miles again and they will send girls first. Costumes are encouraged!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Seedfolks work on our character charts can be seen above. If you have Mrs. Duffield for Period 2 Reading- your gift assignment is due tomorrow, October 24th. We had a good conversation today in Social Studies about the advantages and disadvantages of agriculture.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

In Social Studies we defined and acted out the key terms listed above- all students need to have a full understanding of the words. In Language Arts we discussed external/internal conflict and resolutions that have occurred in Seedfolks. There may be a Social Studies quiz on these terms tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

In Language Arts, we have been working on a character chart that shows who the characters are and how they are connected in the book Seedfolks. It is a work in progress. Write a paragraph using the topic sentence: Ana's neighborhood is changing. Extra credit- Define the work auspicious
Big SS topic today: How the development of agriculture (growing crops and raising animals) changed daily life in the Neolithic Age. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

For my Reading class, gift projects are due on Friday! See above for some of the work that our class has already put into these projects.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

We have been talking about academic language in reading. The posters show some examples of the end product- the word with definitions and a picture representing the word. It was so fun to hear all the narratives today in class. What amazing writers we are!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Today in Social Studies we did a Grave Site Activity. The pictures above show what the Social Scientists saw at the grave sites and they needed to determine what the role of the Hominid was, what the artifacts were and what they were used for.

WRITING CELEBRATION TOMORROW, OCTOBER 16th. See the blog calendar for your specific time to come and celebrate with us- the time is different for my homeroom and Mr. K's homeroom.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Language Arts Homework: Write a paragraph or two using the topic sentence : Kim is a young leader in her community.  This assignment is based on the Seedfolks book.

Monday, October 13, 2014

We will finish our Early People Presentations tomorrow. Seeing you all on Friday, was lovely. Thank you for taking the time to come and visit and see the hard work that all the students put into this project.
Language Arts- We are working on reading the book Seedfolks and focusing on character development, among other Language Arts Standards. If you can spare some more of your time, please come to our Writing Celebration this Thursday to showcase our narrative stories. See the blog calendar for specific times.

Friday, October 10, 2014

More Social Studies projects. Upcoming due date for READING: October 24th- Gift Project (involves reading a realistic fiction story and completing the summary and paragraphs that go with it- information on a past blog posting).