Thursday, August 28, 2014


Welcome to room 150! My name is Mrs. Duffield and I am new to Hamilton Middle School. I taught 4/5 at Schenk Elementary School in Madison for the last 16 years. My passion is teaching writing and I look forward to working with 6th grade writers, teaching reading and Social Studies.  I have two young boys and in our extra time our family loves to be outdoors and be active.  I work hard in my classroom community to have all students feel valued, unique, and respected. We will create this safe community through the use of the Circle of Power and Social Emotional Learning lessons. The blog will be updated daily and will include things such as:  lessons taught that day, social emotional goals, anchor charts (teacher/co-created), homework, calendar of upcoming events, assessment dates and/or information. The intention of the blog is for parents to catch a glimpse of the school day but it is also my expectation that students check it nightly to review homework or access a taught strategy.  I am looking forward to meeting my classroom of learners and their families. I can be reached at